In a fairly quiet, empty campus game today the Blue Devils welcomed Loyola Maryland to Durham, and wackiness ensued! Wackiness, and coaching anger unlike anything we've seen since Angry Gary.
* The Ultimate Lord hates anything with the name "Maryland" in it. This includes "The University of Maryland - College Park," "Loyola College in Maryland," and "Maryland Crabcakes."
* To the home of the Crazies... except these aren't crazies. That will always anger The Ultimate Lord. Maybe they should not schedule games when there are no students around.
* Hm, Loyola is confident, eh? You know what usually happens to confident teams when they play Duke? They get whipped. Just ask Xavier.
* Patsos is a former Maryland assistant for ol'Sweaty? Well, he should be fine with the Crazies; he clearly has had more obscene things yelled at him before.
* The home whites look REALLY white, especially around the shoulders. What is different about these unis?
* Jesus, Patsos yells like Sweaty too. Wow. He looks like an absolute crazy man. Coached from the stands? You know ESPN is going to be cutting back to him a LOT this game for Ye Olde Reaction Shotte!
* Love the full court pressure/double with Smith and Singler. Singler's smarts and length really help as the courtside help.
* Zoubek's height really alters shots and even prevents them from happening. Very nice to see.
* The Ultimate Lord wishes they would add a big screen TV someplace in the museum display that is the Cameron concourse now which would fade from an empty beautiful shot of Cameron to a rocking gameday shot.
* Gaylord Hotel Music City Bowl? Seriously? They must have very popular hats in their gift baskets.
* Capitol Bowl Week for the Outback Bowl... they sold sponsorship to the entire WEEK?! Why not sponsor each day too? Or the afternoon and the evening? "Welcome to the Outback Bowl, here at Capitol Bowl week on Tostitos Tuesday here at the Trojan Mid-Day Slot!"
* Nice to see Miles early. Nothing teaches like game-time experience.
* Holy Christ, Coach Wacko is ready to KILL that guy on the bench! Check out that Finger Point of Doom! It is like he is Harrison Ford or something, just a LOT angrier.
* Nice roll by G.
* The button on that coat was stretched to its limit. That dude is straight-up crazy.
* Len's teams that can take out UNC... Gonzaga? Seriously? Suck it, Len.
* Hell of a layup that Loyola player made over a skying Gerald.
* Oh Nolan... hope you are okay.
* When the ACC sends TEN teams to bowl games, there are too many bowl games.
* What a dick applause by Patsos.
* Great save by Paulus as he hopped out of bounds to save the ball and tossed it back in, and then came back in again.
* Of Len's Five Early Surprises, we play them five times, with a double against Michigan and no game vs. Illinois. We always play a damn good schedule.
* The Ultimate Lord heard that Patsos originally considered pulling the Curry-Double-Team on Briand, but then gave up on it when he realized even FIVE men couldn't stop ONE Zoubek!
* Only two Rookies of the Year at Duke? That is crazy! The Ultimate Lord supposes that must have something to do with K loving upper classmen.
* Man, the ESPN truck cuts to Patsos Reaction Shots a LOT... clearly they are hoping for a Faith Hill/Carrie Underwood moment.
* Why did they show that depressed emo kid after Hendo's basket?
* Who is the guy in the lime green shirt on the Loyola bench? He is awful dressed down...
* Man. Hendo is the easiest elevator in Duke history. And he doesn't even lead with one hand like most dunkers; he gets up there with both hands and his shoulders free and able to react in a way that few other players have ever been able to. Just totally effortless.
* Jon has played at the point a bit recently with Greg at the 2. This is okay with The Ultimate Lord.
* Surefire sign of previous suck; every single time Zoubek scores the announcers rant about how much he has improved. Tho to be fair, he REALLY has.
* Scheyer is simply tireless. VO2 Max FTW!
* Loved watching those two Loyola guys run smack into eachother when Kyle threw it down.
* ... and Kevin Bacon went to Maryland too! Enough with the stupid degrees of seperation.
* Dude, Patsos LOVES to stick his finger in a guys face. Fifty bucks says someone goes Spree on his *** within five years.
* Our D looks great, but their O looks sloppy as all hell.
* Ahhh so glad the ACC season is coming! Fire it up!
* Winbush. Heh heh heh.
* Our bench is awesome. Thomas is SO improved, Paulus is an amazing backup, and McClure is solid as a ROCK. Add two pretty decent frosh, and you've got a good team. Too bad Marty still chucks up 3s.
* Look at K talking to Scheyer as Scheyer squats in front of him... sorry, but The Ultimate Lord would react a lot better to this than to the Crazy Gary Clone on the other side of the floor sticking the Harrison Ford finger in his face and spewing spittle.
* Speaking of Marty, he does look older.
* Love the high arc on Lance's shot. Makes it hard to block and more likely to bounce back into the hoop.
* Okay, that LL Cool J commercial is awesome. "Ahhh!"
* That PG, Harvey, who Greg gave that forearm shiv to, looks like a 38 year old accountant.
* No losses from '83-'95?! Jesus!!
* "(Curry) never took a shot except when he shot 3 times!" Right.
* "(Patsos is) till working that sideline." Yeah, like Hitler worked the crowd in Berlin in 1939.
* Nice giveback from Singler to McClure, telling him to shoot that open 3. Speaks for good chemistry and smarts by Singler to get the other guys involved and confident.
* Are the dorms closed over break? And what hotel are the guys staying at?
* McClure's father played where? Where did THAT graphic come from? It isn't like he was high school teammates with Wayne Ellington, after all.
* No on mentions Lawson and Smith were teammates. We hear about Gerald and Wayne seventeen times a game... why no Lawson/Smith connection?
* Len says keep the starters in until about 2 minutes left. K keeps them in for about 30 seconds more. K > Len.
* Their PG, that #31, is skinny as a STICK.
* Olek is dreamy.
* Ol'Captain Crazy is still pacing that sideline yelling like a Gary with 3:20 to go. Was it just The Ultimate Lord's imagination, or did a few of the players look like they were totally ignoring the guy?
* Looking forward to the NBA announcers doing a Duke game! Too bad the real crazies won't be back yet, right?
* Both Plumlee parents played college ball... what is with all the Parent Player graphics this game?
* Email is SO good at finishing within a foot or two of the basket; those long arms really help.
* And finally... what was that little Paulus/Crazy Coach exchange at the end, where Patsos seemed to say "Thank you?" Okay, The Ultimate Lord hates him a little less now.
And with that, allow The Ultimate Lord to wish everyone a very Happy New Years... next up? A real ACC game!!!!!!! WoooOOOOOooooOOO!!!!