Whelp, welcome back Duke fans, to a SECOND night of The Truth! After UCLA failed to live up to its end of the bargin, would Duke roll over a game Michigan team? Or would the Wolverines live in the hills, striking from the hills and launching devasting ambushes, all after watching that science teacher get blasted the F AWAY? Only time will tell!!
And now... The Ultimate Truths for the Championship Game of the Coaches vs Cancer Classic!
*Jamie Luckie? Awesome name for a ref. Almost as good as that announcer whose name was Baller.
* Hmm... Nolan starts again? When Greg is 100 percent, will he take back the starting spot? Or will Duke get out to a good start tonight... finally?
* Good to see Gerald go RIGHT at it, first play of the game. Wonder if K set that up?
* Speaking of Gerald... he is really starting to look a bit G.Hill to The Ultimate Lord. When he isn't looking Kobe, that is.
* The "toss in the air" save, while it worked yesterday, makes The Ultimate Lord nervous. Do coaches approve of it?
* Why is Kyle guarding their guy who is bringing the ball up? Bad switch? Or using length to bother them?
* WOOF Gerald with an AGGRESSIVE block!
* Oh no... a missed goaltend? Let's watch the replay five different times! And cue the whiney ARGH they bought off the refs Duke cheats I hate them they only win because The Rat rides the refs!!!!" Carolina fans in 3, 2, 1...
* "Using your quickness" against Zoubek ain't saying that much. It's like using your wits against Sloth.

* So this might be taboo to say... but does losing Johnny hurt Duke recruiting African-American players? There are a lot of white coaches on that bench. Is Nate on the recruiting trail now? Or are going to see more Ryan Kelly/Mason Plumlee classes on the way?
* Alfred Aboya... great name. However, he better be careful... if his wrist doesn't heal quick, he might get adopted by Brad and Angelina.
* Nice to see GP hit the 3. He is always better A) when fading sideways and B) after getting wacked in the head.
* Singler ALWAYS looks exhausted to The Ultimate Lord!
* You know, it feels like we haven't drawn a lot of charges this year.
* Ohhh Dick... "Get me the ball, gimme the rock, OOOOHHHH Wolverines!!!!!" After hearing Bob Knight last night, Dick Vitale is a hundred times more annoying. And everyone knows that infinity times a hundred is... well, a LOT of annoying.
* Ugh. Lowes Feast Week. Stupid everything-is-sponsored world.
* BTW, this weeks Ultimate Truths are brought to you by Pfizer. Pfizer; when it's time for old folks to get it on!
* Great match-ups... like Kentucky/UNC? Jesus, who wrote THAT, a UNC fan who is convinced they play a DEVASTATING schedule? Yeah... not so much. But check out how much they ***** when we play Davidson and Air Force and...
* You know... for a white boy, Pocius is fairly jacked. And don't even start on his calves...
* Actually Dick; cutting down the nets ISN'T all that matters at Duke. Seriously.
* Jesus Mickie K... that jacket is straight up PIMPING. Is that blue pleather? With SPIKES?
* Zoublock!
* Heh, every time someone mentions Aminu, The Ultimate Lord can only think of that quote when Aminu said something about putting Wake on the map... and then The Ultimate Lord laughs, thinking about that scrub from the Virgin Islands who played there. What was that guy's name again?
* BTW... Randolph "Come and get me WHOOPS 3 eat it Jeff!" will always be The Man.
* Heh, that never gets old.
* Ugh. That Diaper Dandies graphic has GOT to go. What channel do they think this is, Lifetime? Show The Ultimate Lord Marissa Miller in a diaper and you've got a viewer for life!
* Remember St. Johns at the Garden a while back? Man, they were PSYCHED to play Duke... there were BEAT DUKE t-shirts on EVERY chair. Too bad they lost, like almost everyone else.
* Whenever anyone mentions Art Garfinkel, The Ultimate Lord always imagines him looking like this... just replace the fan brush and the burnt sienna with a basketball.
* Random thought of the night; naked and from behind, Digger Phelps and Winston Churchill would look like brothers.
* Commecials just suck nowadays. Hulu girls selling Subway? In what marketing universe does that make a BIT of sense? God... and people get PAID to make this crap.
* Blech. We check in on the NBA, and we see Jamison? *sigh* BTW... he was awesome. Him and Juan Dixon = favorite non-Dukies ever.
* Why the black unis? Why not the blues?
* So... which set of tens is the most succesful at Duke? The single digits? They did have J.J. and Los... the twenties had Christian and Trajan and Shel... the thirties had Battier and Hill... anyone wanna take a guess?
* The Ultimate Lord feels a little bad that Nolan lost Coach Dawkins so early in his career. Well, at least he got the support his freshman year.
* Jesus, there are a lot of logos on that floor. At least they don't seem slippery, as logos (especially over ice) tend to get.
* Is Zoubek going up a bit quicker with the ball this year, or is it The Ultimate Lord's imagination?
* Hah, Sir Charles is AWESOME. Great line about Vitale.
* Kansas City has awesome BBQ.
* Jesus... end of the half, and Dick is just RAMBLING and rambling! He is an absolute car-wreck.
* Ahhhh... and there is K, teaching Nolan before they hit the locker room. K = awesome.
* Len Elmore would make an AWESOME post-apocolyptic zombie.
* Hm, super aggressive move by Gerald to start the half again. The Ultimate Lord likes that a lot.
* Beautiful pass by Singler to Nolan under the basket. What CAN'T Kyle do?
* WOW Gerald! What a block! He has SUCH effortless elevation... surely one of the most effortless, if not THE most, in Duke history.
* BTW, speaking of Gerald, whatever happened to that "exercise induced asthma/out of shape" thing. If only The Ultimate Lord were that "out of shape..."
* It is SUCH a relief to see Lance step up this year. The Ultimate Lord thinks most folks expect a guy to step up his junior year if he doesn't his sophomore year, but it was still nice to see.
* Can you imagine if there were trades in the NCAA? What trade would you propose? Maybe a guard-for-big trade with Wake?
* Looked like Lance got fouled on that nifty Jon no-look-save-to-the-post... and then they hit a 3? Goddamnit.
* New York Redbulls? This sponsorship stuff is just out of control.
* BTW, this weeks Ultimate Truths brought to you by Brother Jimmys BBQ; lighting bartenders on fire for 37 years!
* Amazing that there aren't more retired jerseys in the Garden, no?
* A side rant: Do you know who The Ultimate Lord hates? People who love vampires. Yes, with the opening of that teen vampire flick, it seems that there are nerdy, pale vampire lovers *everywhere* They are worse than Trekkies. At least Trekkies see SOME light, albeit computer screen light. Vampire lovers stay nice and pale by spending every day in their parents basement. Blech.
* Man... does Michigan REALLY not realize that the outside line is the NBA line? Because it really seems they are making that mistake. Is that possible?
* Email is LONG. Long long long; he can really defend and get up there for rebounds and passes over the D.
* If K hits #1 in wins, that will be pretty sweet. But honestly, hitting #2 might almost be sweeter.
* "Great spurtability." Uch. That sounds really, really gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
* Man. UNC is going to have a LOT of big guys next year. Is it possible that Zeller might end up playing... the 3?
* Hmmm... liked the rotation to start, but man it started to stagnate a bit into the second...
* Too bad Brockman didn't go to Duke.
* A "blender?" Dick, where is the stupid-*** graphic to go with it?

* Man, Greg's #s have really dropped. To be frank, The Ultimate Lord feels a bit bad about it.
* Manny Harris looks a bit like Benny the Cab Driver from "Total Recall." HEY BENNY... SCREW YOUUUU!!!!
* Whenever anyone mentions Bob Gibbons, The Ultimate Lord always imagines him looking like this... just replace the lychee nuts and flung monkey poo with a basketball.
* The Ultimate Lord has that same Santa hat as that kid.
* Heh... enjoyed Dick's NBA list and subsequent admittal he could never memorize that. However... seriously, are we calling him "(Josh) Roberts" again? Why not go back to Kyle Singular?
* Speaking of Dick... he is REALLY stuck on this "shortened season" thing. The Ultimate Lord loves when he gets on these crusades that go nowhere.
* You know... The Ultimate Lord is not that happy that Plumlee is not playing at all. And why did Brian not see any time in the second half?
* Jeez, did The Ultimate Lord just call for more Zoubek time?
* As good as he is at the 3 and on the drive, Kyle is REALLY money RIGHT under the basket.
* So... everyone already knows that Tom Krean looks just like Tom Arnold, right?
* Anyone else as annoyed by that tool sitting over Dickie V's shoulder?
* OUGHF Gerald with another NASTY block! He gets UP, and he is so damn strong... makes for some impressive stuffs.
* The Ultimate Lord hearts our ability to switch and still be effective; so many Duke defenders can defend 3 and 4 spots.
* Argh... another Dixon?! We should have recruited him.
* Interesting Michigan rant by Dick, and you know what? The Ultimate Lord finds Himself... agreeing.
* McClure missed a three, made up for it with a charge. To be honest, The Ultimate Lord likes seeing Dave trying to get more involved in the offense. While everyone says that having David in is like having only four men on offense, The Ultimate Lord isn't sure this is true, and so far may only be because McClure doesn't TRY to score. As a senior... why not step it up?
* Jon is 2nd in Duke history in free throw percentage? Man, playing so close to J.J. can really leave a guy overlooked!
* Ohhh GP got REALLY turned around on D at about the 2:00 minute mark.
* Disappointed we didn't see Miles until the end.
* Well, overall a real nice game after a good second half last night! Duke seems to be stepping it up quite a bit compared to the first two games. Gerald finally is hitting on all cylinders, Nolan looked much more comfortable, and Zoubek continues to *gasp* impress! Now Greg needs to get healthy and we need to start developing Miles... but so far, so good!
Apparently The Ultimate Lord was wrong to bet on cancer... apparently the safe bet was the Blue Devils!
Next up... Montana!
Go Duke!
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