Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Ultimate Truths - RIP Kenny George

Hello all, and welcome back after THE DAMN LONGEST ELEVEN DAYS OF OUR COLLECTIVE LIVES!!!!

Well okay, maybe not THAT long, but man the exam period blows. The Ultimate Lord wonders if it is different at a place like Memphis, where they don't actually take exams? Zing!

Anyway... nice to be back, because such a long layoff after a loss leaves a LOT of empty time, empty time that is generally filled with booze and Grant Hill videos. But finally Duke is back, and so too are... THE ULTIMATE TRUTHS!

* Argh; hate the empty, Christmas Crazy section full of old people. Those aren't Cameron Crazies... those are straight up Alzheimers crazies.

* Speaking of hate; The Ultimate Lord HATES Len Elmore's tooth-filled mouth!

* Also speaking of hate; Happy Holidays everyone!

* No Kenny George sucks. No; forget this! The Ultimate Lord WANTS Kenny George, and The Ultimate Lord will have Kenny George!

* WHOA starters! Nice move by K to get them fired up after 11 days off. Wonder when he told the guys who was starting? Did he wait until game day to give the starters some real fire, or did he tell everyone early on, so they had time to get used to the idea? The Ultimate Lord would go with the "tell them five minutes before tip" move.

* Emails first move... yikers. Kid will be good.

* Nice block by Kenny George. GO KENNY GEORGE!

* Good spacing to start against the UNC-A pressure.

* Miles is quick on his feet for a big guy.

* John Williams; the best ever. Better even than Danny Elfman. "The Imperial March" is The Ultimate Lord's WWF entrance music.

* Love seeing Greg hit a few early 3s. Can't imagine he will match last years numbers, though.

* A few empty seats in the upper deck; it is too bad that more local UNC-A fans couldn't get in and use those seats last minute.

* Shame about Steph Curry and that junk defense from Loyola that kept him scoreless... just lowers his PPG, which we want NICE and high as he attempts to take that NPOY from Hanstravel.

* Nice to see Kyle hit his first 3 too.

* Jesus, Gerald's elevation is SICK. Might he have the best ups of any Duke player in history? He just gets so high, and his body stays so in control... between his two handed catch-and-dunks, and his crazy elevations for blocks...

* Dammit... seriously, saving the ball and nutmeging Zoubek with it right to an opposing player under the basket?

* Woof, scary dancing Medusa coming back from commercial. Will she join the Crazy Towel Guy and Viking Guy as a Crazy regular? Blech. Kentucky gets Ashley, we get... Dancing Medusa.

* You know, The Ultimate Lord wishes they would do a Duke alumn game. That could be SO much fun to watch. Maybe as a charity?

* Hendos midrange jumper is still MIA.

* The pretty back door pass is always a beaut. Right up there with the teardrop and the jump hook!

* A nice trick for those cold winter nights: fill up a long, hopefully unused tube sock with about 3 cups of uncooked rice, and a dash of lavender oil. Then rubber band it all up so you cannot have a spill. Twenty minutes before going to bed pop it in the microwave for 2 and a half minutes, and then put it under the covers where your feet go. Instant warm feet for bedtime!

* Nolan #1 on threes? No kidding. Honestly, The Ultimate Lord likes his stroke and stance, even if it is a little goofy footed.

* Speaking of threes... apparently tonight is a "live by" night.

* Wow, GREAT consecutive blocks by Kenny George! GO KENNY GEORGE!!

* Speaking of Kenny George... after he is done with school, could he find a job as Larry Fishburn's body double?

* A little between the legs showboat by Nolan. Good.

* What is with the one guy in the red shirt in the student section? Must be a Maryland prick.

* Into the bonus real early in the first.

* BTW, does anyone out there have any good punch recipes out there for a fruity, sherberty, extremely alcoholic holiday punch? And no, it does not need to include bacon. Anyway... please share!

* What is with the Pizza Hut Panourmous ad where they pass around the box but never show the pizza? Something is suspicious here... you never actually see the pizza next to anything you can judge its size by... The Ultimate Lord bets it is like six inch square. What crap.

* Oh no... it is Bowl time. Or should The Ultimate Lord say Lowe's Bowl Time? Brought to you by Tostitos! And brought to you by Mazda... zoom zoom zoom! And brough to you by Kay Jewelers... every kiss THE ULTIMATE ***!! ARGH!! It all started going downhill when the Bond films well total sponsorship.

* UNC-A seems very unsteady with their dribble tonight. Lots of bobbles by everyone... except Kenny George, of course, whose behind-the-back move was something else! GO KENNY GEORGE!

* The Ultimate Lord does not think the walk was the right call on that UNC-A guy who did that cute little spin.

* BTW, what is the UNC-A mascot? Hm. The Ultimate Lord will invent one. Go UNC-Ashville Powder Monkeys!

* Greg Oden cracks The Ultimate Lord up. He is very funny... for a 55 year old man! Zing!

* What do you mean that wasn't a zing?

* Jim Carey should just spare us all and kill himself.

* Nice seeing Email get some meaningful first half minutes. He can really rebound.

* Tyler might get the UNC-Chapel Hill record for "points in a career," but Phil will hold on tight to that "Coach's wives banged in a career" record like... well, like he holds onto a coach's wife. Zing!

* Ohh, The Ultimate Lord is feeling Zoubek's soul patch! And He will even avoid the obligatory Zoubek joke here, out of respect for Tedder and Zoub's improvement.

* In the world of Ghiradelli chocolates, the mint filled ones are king, but the raspberry ones are a close second. The peanut butter ones should be taken out to the lake and drowned.

* Lance's little poke-save with 40 seconds left is a great sign of how much better his hands have gotten this year; last year he would have either missed it or poked it out of bounds.

* Messy end to the half. Not counting Kenny George and his pretty reverse dunk. GO KENNY GEORGE!

* That guy waited until present exchange to whip out the sign of "Merry Christmas?" Must have been a thrilling few weeks beforehand, as his deaf girlfriend signed "Merry Christmas!" and he signed back "Eh, whatever." BTW, is the sign for "hand job" what The Ultimate Lord imagines it must be?

* Man, guys from opposite teams REALLY don't pick each other up anymore.

* The Big Four?! TELL The Ultimate Lord that DAVIDSON isn't being counted in there... surely they mean Duke, UNC, State, and Wake, no?

* Crazy charge call on Singler, although The Ultimate Lord admits He wishes that cheap-o lean in would be called a little more often... just not on Jon.

* So The Ultimate Lord recently got "Sports Night" from the Netflix, remembering it was an awesome show. No idea if that memory is correct, because the moment THE LAUGH TRACK kicked in, the DVD got kicked right back to Netflix.

* Love when the refs run up to the out of bounds line to point EXACTLY where the guy went out. Because, like, otherwise the players might not believe them?

* A lot of smiling tonight. Is that okay? Or should they still be a little pissed and focused after Michigan and 11 days off? Eh.

* Nice talk about legacy and your time in college ball. However, while time in college might not diminish your ability to play, it MIGHT wise the NBA up to who can and cannot play at that level.

* Lovely mid-court strip by Kyle.

* "A quarterback on the bench... except he is in now... but he comes off the bench... well, except tonight, when he started..." Oh Len, just shut that giant mouth please.

* YIKES beautiful move by Kenny George to recover his own block and then take it downcourt for the JAM!!! GO KENNY GEORGE!

* Mike Jarvis was a scary, scary looking guy... one step above Frank "I'm gonna shiv some motherf'er!" Haith.

* While the St. Johns loss sucked, it was nice to see Carlos and Shane and JWill and all them again.

* Ouch; why do color guys always get picked on? Stop picking on Len!

* Hm... what is up with the Greg Zoubek? You know what? Keep picking on him, please.

* Email has some showboat in him, and that is just fine.

* Kyle pulls a Tyler and loses his contact lense. Ugh... The Ultimate Lord now needs a shower.

* OUCH Elton. Dislocated shoulders HURT. Speaking of Elton, he has SO reshaped his body... he is just straight JACKED now, whereas in college he was more... round. And soft.

* Marty's three point shooting has SUCKED. What's up with that?

* Slick behind the back pass by Dickie... too bad the layup was flubbed.

* REAL slick behind the back pass TO HIMSELF by Kenny George. And then the three! GO KENNY GEORGE!

* Buses suck. The Ultimate Lord has spent MANY nights on those sleeper VanHools, crisscrossing the country... remind Him to tell the story of the night the driver fell asleep while crossing the Smoky Mountains, or the time the giant 100 lb, ice-filled cooler fell on His head while He was asleep.

* Ah! Question answered; Rocky the Bulldog!

* Seriously? Rocky the Bulldog?

* When did Jon pick up this "not necessarily a great shooter" label? The Ultimate Lord remembers not-so-long-ago thinking that Jon was a VERY good shooter.

* The Ultimate Lord finally agrees with Len "The Mouth" Elmore; Tyler will be a solid NBA player for ten years. Or in other words, until he is 47.

* Email seems very flexible and capable right around the basket.

* Go Gary the Camera Man! Even kept the camera on Marty while he went down. A good camera man is hard to find. BTW, those cameras do cost a pretty penny. Back when The Ultimate Lord was mortal and worked in sports on TV, He remembers a camera man over at Fox Sports calling his camera his "shoulder Viper" because of the cost. The man drove an '89 Tercel if The Ultimate Lord remembers correctly.

* Olek wanted to CRUSH that missed free throw. And then he follows up with a three attempt? Okay...

* Screw classy; score 100!

* And a magnificant move to end it by Kenny George, as he gets the rebound, dribbles out the door, down 15-501, into the Nose Dome, and THROWS it down on Tyler "Second Best Player in North Carolina" Hanstravel! GO KENNY GEORGE!!!!

* Yikes... clearly the students are gone... anyone hear that horrible trumpet at the end?

Overall a good recovery. Nice to see the 3s falling early, and nice to see Greg starting again, even if it is temporary. Good minutes tonight, especially in the first, which The Ultimate Lord hopes will continue... No one seemed to be on the floor too much. Perfect! The only downer was not getting to see Kenny; to be honest, The Ultimate Lord has always had a soft spot in His Gracious Heart for the biggest of the bigs, and it is a shame that George is out.

Next up... the X-Men, and dorky comic book jokes galore! To preview...

The preview for the new Wolverine movie

See you on Saturday! 'Nuff said!

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