Well, that most holy of Holidays, the provider of Turkey and Stuffing and Mashed Potato sandwiches has come, and with it has come... well, two things; an annoying cold, and BASKETBALL! Let's go to the video Truth!
* Grrr... The Ultimate Lord hates missing the opening tip and fanfare of a game; He feels like it is harder to get into the game halfway through.
* From The Ultimate Sideline Reporter; Scheyer with a nice three to start... Zoubek with a nice move inside as well... Duke man-to-man looking a bit weak.
* HOW do you say that name? Du-kain? Seriously? And how on earth does "Duquesne" translate into THAT?
* Tennessee looks llllloooonnnnggg and athletic.
* The Ultimate Lord was really praying for Tennessee to pour it on, so as to avoid that stupid time-out foul stuff. Come on ESPN, just cut away... it is a ten point game with 9 seconds left, and there is no Jason Williams in sight.
* Jimmy Dykes. Hee hee hee.
* That Jackson kid from Dukain... 17 pts, 7 assists, 7.5 rebounds?! That is SOME line!
* Duke is WHAT from February on?! Did he REALLY say 14 and 13? That cannot be. Unfortunately... it feels right
* While he is very much improved, Lance should get pump-fake tips from Dave McClure; he is really heady with them.
* "Duke will run it up your back side?" Seriously now?
* So the nice thing about cold mashed potatos and cold stuffing is that you can actually slice it carefully with a sharp knife to exactly the size of the bread you are making a sandwich out of. The Ultimate Lord is on sandwich eight. This is the only pork-free-and-feeling-no-guilt weekend of The Ultimate Lord's year.
* If Robert Downey Jr. doesn't do the Avengers movie, The Ultimate Lord will be PISSED.
* At least four future pros for Duke on this team; Hendo, Singler, Nolan, and, if they are smart, Jon. And it is too early to tell on one or two.
* Hm, for a guy with bum knees, McClure can get UP.
* Paulus is not a bad defender at ALL. Still isn't shooting much tho.
* Point guard at Duke is like quarterback at Not... at SOUTHERN CAL?! Oh man how the mighty have fallen.
* Hendo uses the bounce pass very, very well.
* Speaking of leftover sandwiches... has anyone ever tried that trick they talked about on "Friends," with putting a third piece of bread between the layers that has been soaked in gravy? A half pound of bacon sent express to anyone who can recall the name of that trick!
* 3 point shooting looks improved, but a lot of them have been wide open looks. However, we don't seem as live/die by the 3 so far...
* Kyle has a GREAT great handle! He will be a real good 3 in the League.
* Doocain is playing very physical down low; anyone else notice that nasty shove on Henderson that went uncalled?
* The Crazies don't sound bad for all being away on Thanksgiving break.
* Nice to see Singler using that in-between game; sure it is only worth 2, but getting close like that also puts the shooter in good position for a rebound.
* Gone the whole Bush administration without a loss at home? Jimmy my friend... hate to break it to you, but basketball notwithstanding, we've ALL lost at home during the Bush administration. Zing!
* Ha! Santa and the elf are still at Cameron! They've been there a few years now... The Ultimate Lord hopes that is a grandpa/grandson thing, and not something... awkward.
* We are using Kyle a lot as a screen when there is full-court pressure.
* Great recovery by Lance on that between-the-leg-bobble (heh... run it up their backside!) Last year he would have promptly lost that one out of bounds.
* Crap assist-to-turnover ratio by Nolan. Would love to see his steals though... does he have more than Greg so far this year? He really is more a scoring, Will Avery type.
* Vasquez looks to have put on a little healthy weight; he has less of the "drowned rat" look to him this year.
* Good ending to the half... some of our secondary guys have REALLY stepped up this year. We need Hendo and Greg now to do the same, and we are in GOOD shape!
* The announcers are talking about it a lot, but we are having troubles with the o-rebounding. We just look a bit out of place and awkward at times still.
* 42% vs 55% of points off turnovers? Hm, what do we make of this? Are we scoring more one-on-one this year, or are we not moving the ball well? Seems to The Ultimate Lord more the latter than the former.
* Duke shoots pretty well, it seems, from the corner for 3. Not sure why people tend to trash that shot as one we don't shoot well. Sure the rebounds are difficult, but...
* "I don't like the shoes Carrie Underwood is wearing." Hah! Good line.
* Speaking of Mrs. Ultimate Lord...
*The new scoreboard looks pretty nice from what The Ultimate Lord can tell. Big, but doesn't stand out.
* Wow that Singler offensive board a little ways into the second was awesome... he jumped up, and came down on top of ONLY players; he never hit the floor!
* Wow, Greg really TOOK that steal, and Zoubek really FINISHED! Nice!
* Heh... Duke the only team which wears sleeves for injury. The Ultimate Lord has had that same thought before.
* Nice to see GP hit a few 3s!
* Everhart looks vaguely like an ugly Mr. Big.
"DAMMIT CARRIE, I AM TOO OLD LOOKING TO BE A BELIEVABLE HOT ROMANTIC LEAD IN A MOVIE!! JUST LET ME GO COACH AT DU... DOOQ... wait, how do you say the name again? Really? Du-cain? But... why does it have an 's' in it? It is silent? Man, this is stupid."
* Greg is the best shooting PG that K has ever had? Huh? Do stats in any way, shape, or form back that up?
* Heh, elite programs don't have to promise minutes. What if they promise minutes AND shots, eh? Heh, it is almost too easy to mock Kentucky nowadays. Go eat a bloody booger, Patrick.
* Lance's hands have just improved SO very much... wonder if he did hand drills or something like that over the summer. The Ultimate Lord assumes there is such a thing?
* And cue Leftover Sandwich Number Nine.
* And speaking of sandwiches... the best part of Thanksigiving leftovers is stuffing. Annnnd... discuss.
* The nice thing about a televised ***-whupping; seeing a lot of Marty P.
* Speaking of the importance of the bench; it better stay important this year. You hear The Ultimate Lord, Coach K?
* GREAT steal and dribble/score by Zoubek! Where did that come from? Note the bench in hysterics.
* Did Zoubek try to dunk a few plays later when he got stuffed? It almost looked it!
* The guy in the commercial who plays his PSP EVERYWHERE, including in a club, is almost as annoying as the guy who uses his cell phone to play fantasy football on his honeymoon. Note; ALMOST.
* Hearing Kobe and Chris Paul and all the rest of them gush over Coach K never gets old. Neither does hearing Chris Paul call him simply "Coach."
* Nice Pocius-to-Plumlee look. However, Miles does look a bit lost out there right now at the end.
* Ahhh... glad to hear that Tyler still plays harder than anyone else.
* Speaking of Tyler... could he *gasp* NOT win NPOY this year? GOOOOO OKLAHOMA!!!!!! BOOMER SOONER!!!!!!
* WTF is with this extended, crappy play-by-play check-in with the Purdue-OK game? If they don't go back...
* Heh, anyone else notice that Doocain player throw the pass right off his buddy's face? Hah!
* Cue Leftover Sandwich Number 10... and The Ultimate Lord is having troubles getting up out of His Chair.
* Man, the announcers were really riding Plumlee. What dicks.
* Zone?! Ahhh, The Ultimate Lord loves blowouts!
* Ahhh... and apparently, General Grievous still looks like a drowned rat. Apparently that graphic was misleading.
All in all, a real blowout (not counting the last few minutes...) but still very interesting to see a lot of different players getting minutes. As long as K doesn't go shortening the bench too early, and as long as Greg and Gerald step it up a bit, we are going to be AWFUL good this year. Bring on Purdue!!
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