The Ultimate Lord revels, like all Dukies everywhere, drunk on a Duke victory over the Holes from the Heel!
And so, of course... how could we have an Ultimate Victory without some... ULTIMATE TRUTHS!!!
* Go to Hell Carolina, Go To Hell!
* Place didn't seem that hot tonight. Thought that the crowd would bring the deafening boos every single moment Gerald touched the ball, like Greg got at Maryland (wasn't that a wierd one?) Strange.
* Cannot BELIEVE Ty-ty didn't play. Also cannot believe he has such a girly nickname.
* The Ultimate Best Friend didn't wear the "Go To Hell Carolina" shirt this year, for the first time in 12 years. Instead, according to him, "The Duke shirt has been good to me this year." He better not screw this up.
* Seriously? Showing that... rather girly... dance? If that were a Duke guy The Ultimate Lord would hide His Glorious Face in total, utter shame. And these morons mock two guys bumping chests? Yikes. However, the nickname "Broadway Danny Green" is a classic.
* Go to Hell Carolina, Go To Hell!
* Henderson wins the tip. Good start.
* And the first play is a 3 by Paulus right over QT? Oh, that is right on SO many levels! Let us count!
1) That it was Greg scoring, to rub it in because the Holes think he sucks.
2) That it was a 3, which the Holes are terrified of.
3) That it was over their third stringer, who the Holes hope against hope won't cost them the game.
* Getting the first four NCAA games in North Carolina is a MUCH bigger deal for UNC than for Duke; much more of a home court advantage for them.
* Let us play "Caption this picture." Up first?
"Tyler pulls his clue for Charades and gets "Angry Goldfish."
* Coaches are definately more subdued this year compared to last.
* Hans really can get the ball in the basket no matter what is going on from within 7 feet. The Ultimate Lord would have been perfectly content if Tyler had been a Duke man instead of a Carolina tool.
* A recipe for lasagna? Seriously? Ahhhh Dick, we've missed you!
* Go to Hell Carolina, Go To Hell!
* Can anyone explain what happened when Nelson got the foul, Carolina scored, and kept the ball?
* It is amazing that K really has seemed to figure out the math of basketball in a 2pt vs 3pt world. He has figured out that a wave of 3s can statistically overcome a real good, pounding 2 pt team and managed that so carefully. Brilliant.
* Kickass to see Nate James behind the bench.
* Singler; what a mature, mature game! A one handed rebound that just blew The Ultimate Lord away! Great smart D, took Tyler outside... overall so, so complete, especially for a freshman.
* Please, STOP with the TOTALLY bogus "It was a five second call!" calls. Seriously, could you please, you know, actually watch the game?
* Wow, Dick REALLY dodged actually taking a stand on that Hansbrough charge call; "Everybody loves Raymond?" Dick, your broadcast partner just asked you a question!
* Anyone see Roy do the Madonna, "Hung Up" arm roll dance?
* Cryolina fans are copying the Cameron arms-in-the-air free throw move. Schmucks.
* Hans... called for a TRAVEL?!?! Good work K, keep on those refs!
* Lance Thomas may have taken a few sideways steps in recent games, but wow he took the kitten-saving, 28-to-84, game winning ladder tonight! Really stepped up, some good D and good O. Amazingly he seemed to have done the exact OPPOSITE of what he was quoted as saying, namely something along the lines of "I'll foul every time to stop the basket." A little disinformation?
* Go to Hell Carolina, Go To Hell!
* The rap playing over the GP 3 going to commercial feels out of place.
* Speaking of Greg; looks like the ol'fainting goat whupped some Carolina ass, eh? Suck it, fans of the Hole.
* Some missed free throws by Gerald; a sign of the pressure, or nothing?
* Speaking of Gerald; he can jump out of the GYM. Some of his blocks (and even his almosts) are just ridiculous; he just rises from behind a cloud of jerseys to blot out the sun!
* Some missed free throws by Tyler; a sign of the pressure, or nothing?
* Jesus. Those rocks on Sean May's ears are RIDICULOUS. You could feed the entire of Sudan for a week on just one of those things. Bling it up, Sean!
* Should we make fun of their coach collapsing like they did of K? Nah, let us leave the classy stuff to the UNC fans.
* Game in many ways went as predicted. Duke shoots well from 3 and plays good D on the UNC guards. UNC pounds it low but gets turnovers at the point. Not predicted; Nelson being saddled with fouls and Green and Ellington sucking it up.
And finally...
* It is a great day when Duke wins and Carolina loses, and the best of days when they both happen at the same time.
Go Duke!
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