* Oh, you thought Duke played WELL against Carolina, Doug?! Well, there is the absolute, goddamn, incontrevertible proof we have all been waiting for that you are a goddamn moron. As if we needed anymore.
* So. Sitting down, sipping the drink, munching on some sourdough pretzels... uh...whoa... is that guy... singing? Opera? Seriously? "WEARING THE COLORS PROUDLY!" Seriously? "GEORGIA TECCCCCCH!" Wow. Worst... intro... EVER. The Ultimate Fellow Duke Alumn called and asked "Uh... was that meant as a joke?" The Ultimate Lord wasn't sure how to respond. Just... wow.
* Opera Steve. We have a name to go with the... voice. Yikes.
* Wonder if Causey will go all Undertaker on us tonight? "Taylor King, you will... REST.... IN.... PEACE!!!"
* Hm, low camera angle at Bobcats Arena. Good for plays in the near post, crap everywhere else.
* 2 fouls in 31 seconds on Kyle. Suck.
* Hm, Morrow's hometown. Hate that; gives him an excuse to step it up. Hope he used up his good game LAST game!
* BTW, give this a look; Digger is crazy, and they all know it.
* Great zave by Zoubek! Get on the floor, big guy!
* Able to dunk by 6th grade? What the hell kind of graphic was that?
* Speaking of able to dunk by 6th grade; The Ultimate Lord missed it, was that about Causey? Or Greg? Or Brian?
* Bring back Cameron W.! We love her.
* Can't believe Zoubek caught that bullet pass from Taylor. Good hands!
* Speaking of Zoubek, real nice job catching and passing recently; helps break the press nicely!
* The Ultimate Lord needs a Gerald Henderson pull-up jumper like Homer needs to write a sequel to the Illiad so Brad can star in "Troy: The Return of Brad."
* Mo' Miller, mo' possession arrows.
* Scheyer and McClure, it is good to see them, and great to see them back in form a bit! Two of the highest IQ guys we have.
* Speaking of Dave, brilliant tip by him to where Demarcus was GOING to be. Lance could take some notes.
* To be fair, Lance played pretty well tonight. Put it in the "step forward" category. Up next? Two steps nowhere.
* Hm. Trigger words? A trigger word got K that tech? What, like maybe the word "mother?" As in, "After the game, I'm going to bang your mo..." Oh nevermind. Whatever K said, The Ultimate Lord is sure he deserved a bench warning.
* Sorry, but what Gerald has Causey guarding him, Hendo should go right around him.
* That OnStar commercial leaves The Ultimate Lord wondering about the woman (heh, even in commercials women are crappy drivers) in the accident; she never speaks, did she live? Or is the nice OnStar lady using her most reassuring voice to a bloody corpse?
* Mo' Miller, Mo' Opera Steve.
* Apparently the Jon Scheyer circus hasn't left town!
* Mo' Miller, Mo' phantom foul calls that wipe out brilliant Dave McClure blocks.
* Hey, Dunkin Donuts, what is fretalian for "Go to Hell Carolina?"
* At the point in the game when it was 36-24, The Ultimate Wife walked through and broke out into "Brickhouse," by Lionel Richie.
* The Ultimate Lord likes the short-lived press, which keeps the pressure on just long enough to let the D set up and then falls back.
* Heh. "You knew that whatever was going to happen, it wasn't going to be good." Yikes. Poor Aminu; The Ultimate Lord supposes four drive fakes isn't a good thing?
* Does Causey look vaguely like Heath Ledger?
* Does Paul Hewitt look vaguely like Opera Steve?
* Speaking of Opera Steve, does his mother call him Opera Steven?
* Right currency exchange? Jesus H. Ultimate Lord, talk about an inappropriate metaphor that went on WAYYYYYY too long.
* Some nice blocks by Demarcus.
* Hmm. Chik-fil-a. Never has a pickle on a chicken sandwich tasted so good. Much better sponsor than Butterball.
* Heh, even the announcers are making fun of Opera Steve.

* Which one kicks *** with Jackie Chan, and which one just got his *** kicked by Duke and Brian "Jackie Chan" Zoubek?
* K is really going with the platoon system of subs. Is that just to keep guys fresh early in the post-season? The Ultimate Lord does like seeing this proactive approach, and enjoyed seeing King hit a 3, play some D, and hustle!
* Woof, G-Tech really ratcheted up the intensity.
* Mo' Jeramis, Mo' Tats.
* Duke does a terrific job of exaggerating it? Screw you. Nice to then follow it up with the old "High IQ players, they even sprint to the bench!" stuff.
* Which would you rather have; the rap that has taken over every single telecast of basketball, or Opera Steve? The Ultimate Lord thinks He might actually take... Opera Steve. Woof. Sad, sad world.
* PIECE OF CRAP DVR!!!! SIX MISSED MINUTES!! What G-Tech run? What Duke run? What Kyle steal to a Demarcus 3? What dagger Kyle 3? GODDAMN CABLEVISION!
* Hm, talk all you want about Coach K adjusting after 27 years of coaching; he still finished 5th in voting for ACC coach of the year. What a chump!
* Wow, they really are counting down the "lasts." Last basket, last shot, last sip of gatorade, last hustle play by Causey, last post-game naked Twister™ party with some sophomore ball bunnies... whoops, they didn't mention that last one on the air.
* BTW, what ARE they called in basketball? In hockey they are puck bunnies... is there an equivalent for basketball? Inquiring minds want to know!
* Hm, that is a hottie in the tunnel with Chicken Fried Rice!
* K = Klassy
And finallly...
* No Mo' George Tech, No Mo' Miller jokes. Oh well, there is always next year.