Saturday, January 17, 2009

The Ultimate Truths - Screw you, Greg Monroe

Hello all! Welcome back to... The Ultimate Truths, Georgetown Edition!!

First off, allow The Ultimate Lord to apologize, it has been a few games since The Truth was last shared. However, He hath returned, and with His Return has come Love of Pork, Love of D'Nika, and, of course, The Ultimate Truths!!

* Dear God, it is me, The Ultimate Lord. If you are listening, can you please have Greg Monroe slip getting off the bus and break both his legs, both his arms, three ribs, and his nose? Thank you in advance.

* No Zoubek to start. Not surprised. Let's see how K handles Gtown's size and speed.

* "You have to guard all five against Georgetown!" No prob.

* Duke is averaging 81 a game? Hm, not bad, it felt like less.

* GREAT pass by McClure from underneath to Nolan.

* Love the second unit! Run them into the GROUND; every guy needs to play HARD.

* K was PISSED at that shot clock violation. Marty had a nice pass to try to make up for it in the next possession.

* Maybe Zoubek is starting to rely on that tip-out rebound a little too much recently? Should he just be going up and getting it? Or is he smart and playing within himself?

* OH GERALD!! HOLY CRAP, BATMAN!! G is straight up NASTY.

* And Miles hits a 2! GOOD. Get the young guy some burn, three or four good minutes against a big time opponent early, when it matters, is a HUGE step for this young mans career. The kid is smart and athletic; let him prove himself.

* "He's a good man in there!" Hm. Sounds a touch gay?

* Great draw of the charge by Scheyer way out beyond the 3 point land; hold your ground, Jon!

* Summers is solid early. Watching a confident shooter hit shots is a scary thing.

* Gerald is not only Duke's most effortless-ever elevator, but he has to be our best shot blocking guard as well.

* Woof. Refs going through a rough streak starting with that B.S. Plumlee tie up. Really pissing the Crazies off.

* Nice charge drawn by Nolan to slow down the Hoyas.

* Ahh, and they are looking for Miles! Thank you K!

* Larry Fishburn is a POWERFUL actor! And The Ultimate Lord's neighbor.

* We really have hung with them, despite GTown having a HOT start, and you could feel our confidence growing, as silly as that sounds that we wouldn't have confidence to start.

* GREAT applause for Miles. See? That is a BIG moment for this guy and his development.

* Why did that GTown player get a waiver on his one year wait after transfering from FSU? Anyone know the story?

* Love this teams and the crowds reaction to this game. Nice to step it up.

* Kyle is a PREMIER rebounder.

* Their shooting is returning to earth. It always will, against Duke D.

* Crazies look great, and in real great form. Screw you, Greg Monroe. You could have had THIS, in Cameron. Instead, you have Georgetown. The Ultimate Lord pities you.

* Seth Davis is a man's man? Hm. Sounds a touch... gay? Glad you feel comfortable saying it though.

* Smouldering? Hm. Sounds a LOT gay. Not that there is anything wrong with that.

* WOW #3 on Monroe. Big. Also, totally telegraphed.

* Couldn't hear the chants real well; crowd have any winners? Was that a Greg Paulus chant? If so, GOOD; nice of the Crazies to shower some love on a real Duke guy who might feel a touch down.

* "He's human." Classic call to a missed shot.

* WOW... K REALLY gave orders to Jon before the half; like a little mini conference on the court. Never seen that before.

* Nice drive to start the second by McClure; very smart to go right at Monroe. Imagine if McClure became a real offensive option?

* "When you score the basketball it makes you a better player." Listen, The Ultimate Lord knows what you mean, but it STILL sounds kind of Captain Obvious, no?

* Remember how former Harvard President Larry Summers is tight with Obama?

* "Finishes, fills, finds?" Doesn't that make more sense if you reverse it?

* Hm, what's up with the Crazies/Coke Zero ad? Any info on when it was filmed?

* The Wake highlights from Puerto Rico are funny, because there were NO fans there; it looks like a practice!

* Like the -15 w/out Monroe stat. Go right at him!

* Wow, strange technical on Monroe. Would love to know what he said. Maybe "Damnit, I should have come to Duke?"

* The K/Olympic stuff never gets old.

* Speaking of K... is that a touch of gray hair The Ultimate Lord sees there?!

* Our D is awesome. Good defense is the best part of basketball.

* Love the Greg Paulus chants. Oh, and the Greg Paulus drive and teardrop too!

* That blond makes The Ultimate Lord want to have his OWN Big Bang Theory. Hey-yo!!!

* Hah, Greg with the bump after the steal. He plays so much better with a chip on his shoulder.

* That little puss was holding Singler's damn jersey!

* Smart; the small lineup creates a bad mismatch with Monroe when he has four fouls, because he has to be careful not to foul a Duke guy who is driving past him, and careful that a smaller Duke guy doesn't slip in to draw a charge.

* Smith talking to Summers at the line, and the ref came to check in. Awesome.

* Hm, Singler as a mix of Battier and Dunleavy? Sure, The Ultimate Lord can see that.

* Program your DVR from your PC or your phone? Neat.

* Hm... The Ultimate Lord totally wants to get it on with that sexy little peanut butter cup... hmmm, that's right, you slip that wrapper off slowwwwly...

* It it just The Ultimate Lord, or is that "Touch of Gray" guy going to bang his therapist? Questionable move, brother!

* Someone needs to invent a nap alarm clock that starts to count down to the alarm when it detects that you fall asleep.

* Amazing, the yapper from GTown making it interesting with a 3...

* ... but not that interest. JTIII telling Nolan "You are twice the man that I am" as the game ends.

Awesome game. Duke looked strong and in control the ENTIRE time... no big droughts, no slips. Loved to see Miles play and how K managed the rotation; one of the best rotation managements The Ultimate Lord can remember.

Now, let The Ultimate Lord go over to read HandsofStoneRonnieGarvin spew out homophobic slurs because another Heel fan says that Georgetown is in trouble! Ahhh... Inside Carolina, SUCH a classy place!

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